What Google Analytics Can Do For Your Business

by | Jul 28, 2021

Google Analytics

It is the most popular and widely used tool to track and get information on what is actually happening on your website.

It provides you with information on who is visiting your site, and where they are spending the most time, what kind of device they are using, what town they are in, what keywords they used or links they clicked on to get to your site.   It really provides you with a 360 degree overview.   Let’s assume that your business is selling a product or running a marketing campaign.  Google Analytics can be setup to let you know how much traffic is actually converting to leads and or sales.

All of this is done by simply installing a snippet of code on each page you wish to track,. This code is invisible to the person viewing the page.  At the same time, it collects a variety of data that gets stored in a data room, on who they are and how they are interacting with your site.

It’s worth a shot for any business to implement.  Reach out, and I’ll fill you in on all your possible options.