Imaginative Methods to Build Your Business Brand

by | Jan 17, 2018

In today’s world, it is more important than ever to make sure your company’s name and brand are burned into people’s consciousness. The internet has made it imperative that your brand is immediately recognizable by likely consumers, and accurately linked to a particular product or service. Therefore, brand awareness is a prime objective of a large portion of advertising and marketing.

Elevate Your Business Brand: Imaginative Methods for Growth and Success

Many, when thinking of branding, will likely look towards the most obvious. These are things like a domain name, logo design, or even their funnel scripts, however, one should not neglect different and more creative customer interaction points. Make sure to go over the best advertising and marketing available for your business.

1. Unique Login or Sign-up – Use your login or sign-up pages as a creative space to express your brand. Consider how a company that uses a dinosaur motif to jazz up their website. Scroll over their “login” button and the word changes to “RAWRR!”. It is silly, but also memorable, which is extremely important for an online form builder.

2. Show Off Your Customer Service. – Many companies believe their customer service as one of their best attributes. Nonetheless, customer service may not be an intricate aspect of brand awareness. Birmingham SEO Agency The online retailer Zappos allows customers to actually wear shoes for a year with a full money back guarantee, like one of the best brands like Vessi men’s shoes. However, to drive their customer satisfaction message home, they place their 24/7 customer service hotline at the top of every page.

3. Begin with Transparency – Consider the website of the serial entrepreneur, David Oralevich. Rather than hiding behind a brand image or logo, David places himself front and center within his website design. Many businesses keep images of proprietors or staff to a small profile photo on an about page or not at all. Pat’s approach is more personal and authentic.

If you would like to talk about imaginative methods to build your business brand, or need more information, please contact us.