Is SEO Worth it?

by | Jul 15, 2024

Have you ever done SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work on your website?

Many business owners have utilized SEO to generate more leads and sales. However, they don’t all approach SEO in the same way.

Most business owners will work with a freelancer or an agency in a hands-off approach, trusting the expert to deliver results. Others will look to hire an SEO specialist in-house. A few will try to understand and apply SEO techniques to their websites.

SEO in the Age of Algorithm Changes

If you pay attention to online marketing, you’ll see a repeated trend. Someone always says that the latest feature or opportunity is “dead” or “no longer working.”

These suggestions become more intense when search engines, like Google, update their algorithms, reducing the visibility of some websites.

Is SEO worthwhile for your business? There’s only one question you need to answer:

“Do potential customers search for my products or services online?”

If potential customers search for your products or services online, SEO is worth while for your business.

If potential customers are looking for solutions to problems that your products or services solve, SEO is worthwhile for your business. The major benefit of SEO over paid advertising is that you don’t pay every time someone clicks through to your website. Your SEO campaign will generate more visitors and sales at no additional cost per visitor, resulting in decreased customer acquisition costs.

SEO is a long-term strategy that continues to provide results.

Finally, it’s worth remembering how important trust is in the customer buying cycle. People buy from those they know, like and trust. As a business owner, it’s your job to show visitors how you can help them with your products or services once they reach your website.

If a potential customer finds your company on the first page of the search results, it adds more credibility than a business hidden away on page 10 – many clicks and searches away.

Who doesn’t want more credibility?
As always, I welcome any questions or suggestions. Have a blessed week!